Loree Interactive content engages its consumers by requiring active participation. This type of content fosters better interaction between the creator and the audience, making learning easier and more interesting. It presents concepts in an engaging and interactive way, transforming the individual from a passive viewer into an integral part of a dynamic, two-way experience.
To access Loree Interactives, select it from the left-hand side menu, as shown in the screenshot below:
After selecting Loree Interactives, a new left-hand side menu will appear with the following options:
1. Create New.
2. Manage.
3. Search: (Allows users to search for previously built or pre-made interactives in Loree.)
4. Select by Category.
5. Global Interactives.
6. My Interactives.
7. Shared Interactives.
Choosing "Create New" will take the user to the dashboard pop-up (modal), as shown below:
Loree Interactives Dashboard:
The Loree Interactives (LI) dashboard features nine interactive components: Accordion, Tab, Button, MCQ, Click & Reveal, Flip Card, Video/Image Slider, Drag and Drop, and Image Hotspot. Users can easily create a component by clicking the "Create" button.