Text Formatting Options:
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Font Family and Font Size
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Text color, Background color and Border color
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Insert Link The "Insert Link" feature allows users to link various course elements with the following options: Course Links, Web Address, Anchor, and Email. Course Links:
Web Address: Inserts an external URL to a website, document, or resource, with the option to open in a new or same tab. Anchor: Links to a specific section within a page for easier navigation. Email: Creates a mailto: link to open an email draft with a pre-filled recipient. | |
Bullet List: Unordered and OrderedUnordered List
Ordered List
Text Alignment | |
Clear Format
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Loree introduces its revolutionary AI-powered Magic Text Editor:
![]() The AI Magic Text Editor is not free to use and requires configuration by the admin. To learn more about AI tool configuration in Loree, the admins can refer to the following link: How to configure AI tools? | |
Line Spacing
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Word Options
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Indent Spacing
The Section body of the bubble menu for Interactives includes four additional features not available in the bubble menu for the editor, as mentioned below.
Text Formatting Options on Interactives Bubble Menu:
Blockquote |
Media Content Library1. Image:
2. Icon:
3. Video:
1. Create Table:
2. Cell:
a. Cell Properties:
b. Merge Cell: Merge cells in the table by selecting at least two cells and clicking on the merge option to combine them into a single merged cell. |
c. Split Cell: After enabling the merge cell option, you can also split cells back into their original individual cells if needed. |
3. Row:
4. Column:
5. Table Properties:
6. Delete Table: This option allows you to remove the entire table from your course. |