Once after switching to the Loree Admin Dashboard by clicking the Admin button, the user will be able to see the Roles & Features Accordions and their corresponding Tabs,
There are two types of Roles inside the Loree Editor: 1. Loree Roles 2. Canvas Roles
Loree Roles are designed to manage specific features for particular roles. By default, the Loree team will provide the Teacher and Designer roles, each with all features enabled. In more detail, when an Admin decides to enable or disable features for a role, whether it's the Teacher, Designer, or a newly created role (which can be achieved by clicking the "Create New Role" button in the upper right corner), such as Role 1 or Role 2, these roles need to be mapped with the corresponding Canvas Roles (the course roles of the user) to ensure that the desired features are available within the Loree editor.
The default setting grants the account admin of the Canvas instance access to all Loree features. However, if they are assigned a specific role for a particular course, only the features enabled for that role will be visible.
There will be six features, each with dropdown options allowing for the selection of one or multiple choices in each section. The available options include Basic, Advanced, Custom Blocks, Loree Interactives, H5P, and Color Picker. It's important to note that only the Loree admin will have the authority to enable these options through the Admin dashboard.
Canvas Roles will retrieve all roles within the sub-account of the course you've specified. If you've entered a course that isn't associated with any sub-account, your Canvas instance will display all roles from the Root account. Should the Admin switch to a sub-account, the system will then retrieve the roles specific to that sub-account.
Once the Loree Roles have been established using the default Loree roles, they must be mapped with the corresponding Canvas roles, which are determined by the course role (accessible via Canvas course navigation → People → assigned role). This mapping ensures that the Loree roles are properly connected to the corresponding Canvas roles, ensuring that the desired features are available and functioning correctly within the Loree editor.
‘Select role’ (default: drop- dropdown select) will not assign any features or roles.
When the Admin maps the Loree roles for the 'Root Account,' those mappings will apply to all the sub-accounts and courses. Additionally, the Admin can map the Loree roles based on a specific sub-account in the Canvas instance by clicking the "Root Account" button.
This action allows the selection of the "Root Account" accordion to access its associated sub-accounts.
The list of sub-accounts will be retrieved, and you can then select the desired sub-account for which roles should be mapped.
Click the 'Fetch roles' button to fetch the sub-account roles and map the desired Loree roles.
If the admin has entered a course that was created under a specific sub-account, their access will be limited to updating roles and features for that particular Sub-account. In this case, they can only map roles for the sub-account to which the course is associated, along with any child accounts within it.
For example, if we're working on a course within a sub-account named "Migration Training," the admin can map roles for the "Migration Training" sub-account and any of its child accounts, like "sample" and "sample-dep-03," as indicated in the screenshot below:
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