What are the options presented on the Home Screen for Loree design?

What are the options presented on the Home Screen for Loree design?

Loree features its own top navigation bar that provides users with the option to select or filter the course content type, which can be modules, pages, assignments, discussions, or syllabus. These choices are available in a drop-down list.

  • Please note that you can select only one option at a time.

The primary objective of this navigation dropdown is to facilitate easy access to all editable course content within Loree.

The screen below displays the Loree tool interface. Clicking on the Canvas course hamburger icon will collapse the side navigation, enabling Loree to expand and occupy the full width of the screen.


Loree offers detailed instructions on how its features function and the reasons for their inclusion in the Loree tool. Additionally, users can access a compilation of frequently asked questions and their corresponding answers.

To access the FAQ and User Guide pages, simply select the "Support" option from the top bar. Clicking on the support icon will redirect the user to the Loree design page in a new tab, where they can find comprehensive information and answers to their queries.

The user can view the following options:

  • Getting started

  • User Interface

  • Features and Functionality

  • Update and Release Notes

  • Contact and Support

You can provide feedback to Loree by utilizing the "Contact and Support" feature on the official Loree Design website. This platform allows users to raise support tickets and address their specific needs and inquiries. 

Additionally, users can learn more about SoaringEd by clicking on the "Go to SoaringEd" link.

By clicking on the "Go to Customer Portal" link, users are directed to the Loree login page, where they can log in with valid credentials and access the SoaringEd support page.

Course Modules as Loree Modules

Loree has been integrated into Canvas for seamless editing of course content.

To access all the Canvas course content in "Modules," users need to choose the "Modules" option from the top navigation bar's dropdown list.

Loree imports course pages from module items into a single list. This feature enables users to select any pages from Canvas modules, and with a simple click on the "Edit" icon, they can access the Loree Editor.

Loree further allows users to duplicate, edit, or remove items directly from Canvas modules, streamlining the content management process.

Create Modules

Loree offers the convenient option to create new modules for your Canvas courses without the need to return to Canvas for setup. To create new modules, simply open the Loree Modules list, where you'll find the "+ Module" icon at the top right of the list. Clicking on this icon will open a new module, as shown in the image below:

As per the information provided above, it's important to input a valid module name when creating a new module. Ensure that the field is not left blank or with null values.

The newly created modules will be added to the bottom of the list for easy access and organization.

Edit Modules

Loree provides users with the ability to edit their existing modules. By selecting "Edit" within the Modules, a toggle menu will open a new module, allowing users to rename or delete modules as needed.

Delete Modules

You can now delete Canvas modules using the Loree Modules list. When you choose "Delete" from the menu, a confirmation prompt will appear, asking, "Are you sure you want to delete this module?" Clicking "Delete" will proceed with the deletion, while selecting "Cancel" will discard the process, ensuring that actions are taken intentionally.

Published / Unpublished Modules

The Published/Unpublished icons in Loree allow users to easily publish or unpublish Canvas Modules. When a Module is published, it is indicated by the label "Published" along with the icon of a green circle with a tick, as shown below:

Similarly, when content is unpublished in Loree, it will be displayed as "Not Published" along with an icon of an unpublished grey circle, indicating its status as follows:

Hovering the mouse on these buttons will display the tooltip either “Click to Publish” or “Click to Unpublish”.

In Loree, you have the flexibility to publish an item when it's in an unpublish state, and conversely, you can also unpublish content that is already in a published state. 

Add Module Items

As a Canvas user, you have the ability to add or remove items within Canvas Modules. Now, Loree extends this functionality by allowing users to add Canvas shell pages as Module items directly within the Loree Modules List.

Within the Loree Modules List, you'll notice the "+" icon located next to the Modules toggle menu. Clicking on this icon will open a modal that displays a list of all the Canvas shell pages within the course, as shown below. This feature streamlines the process of adding Canvas shell pages to your Loree Modules.

You can type and enter the values in the search field to filter the page list.

Create a new page from Add Module items: 

This feature empowers users to create a new page directly within the Canvas course by using the "Add items" feature in the Modules view.

In the module, you'll find an option labelled "[Create new blank page]." To create a new page from this section, you need to select this option to enable it. Once this option is selected, an input field named "Page Name" will appear in the same window.

You can give your new page any name, provided it's up to 255 characters in length, and then click "Add item" to create and add the newly created page to the respective module.

Loree also allows users to add existing pages as multiple selections from the list. However, when a user selects existing pages along with the "Create new page" option, it won't allow the user to simultaneously create a new page.

Loree allows the users to select one or more pages from the list to add as a Module item. 


Note: For selecting pages from the list, just a simple click is enough. In case of Un-selection, click the selected page again from the list.

From the above module, you can choose either “Cancel” to discard the process or click on “Add item” to add the selected pages from the list.


Loree Template Pages

Loree provides users with the option to create a page using existing templates they have in their 'My Templates,' 'Global Templates,' and 'Shared Templates' collections. To create a page with a template, users can access this feature by clicking the Modules list addition icon.

Simply click on the '+' icon to access the new page from the template feature, streamlining the process of incorporating templates into your course content.

Click the ‘New Page from Template’ option and click ‘Next’,

We have a ‘List view’ and ‘Grid view’ by clicking on the highlighted icons,

We can filter based on template types like My templates, Global, and shared templates by the highlighted area here,

Select any template and click Next,

Type the new page name and click 'Add Item',

The Item will be added to the Modules list of Loree,

The added page inside the Loree editor,

Course Pages List

To manage pages in Loree, you can begin by selecting "Pages" from the Loree top navigation dropdown. This action will retrieve a list of all the pages from your Canvas course. Within this list, each page has options for editing, duplicating, deleting, publishing, and unpublishing.

Furthermore, the page list provides valuable information, displaying the date the page was created and the date when it was last modified. This feature aids users in easily identifying and managing their content.

The page list is organized in alphabetical order, and you can click on the Page Title, Creation date, and Last Edit options to sort the list in either ascending or descending order, offering flexibility in how you view and manage your pages.


Assignments List

By selecting “Assignments“ from the Loree top navigation dropdown, it will fetch all the Assignments list from the Canvas course list. Each Assignment list has an option for Edit, Delete, Publish, and Un-publish.

Discussion List

Selecting “Discussions“ from the Loree top navigation dropdown will fetch all the Discussions lists from the Canvas course list. Each Discussion list has an option for Edit, Publish, and Un-publish.

Also, it displays the date of Discussion when it was created. It helps the users to identify the contents. Each Discussion is differentiated by using the Group name.

The discussions list has been differentiated as same as Canvas like Pinned Discussions and Discussions group.

Syllabus List

By selecting "Syllabus" from the Loree top navigation dropdown, it will fetch all the Syllabus lists from the Canvas course list. 

We can click on the Syllabus and edit it using the Loree Editor as shown below:


Thank You!

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