Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2202.10

Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2202.10


Issues while Adding items in the Navigation menu

As a Loree user, When we add an item to the navigation menu. The newly added items are having different font family than the existing menu item, The Language ISO code is different from the existing item, and The Localisation translation also shows Chinese whereas the existing one shows the English language. All these issues are now resolved, Now when we add an item to the navigation menu. The newly added items will have the same font family as the existing menu item, The Language ISO code will be the same as the existing item, and The Localisation translation will show the English language.

As a Loree user, When we add a navigation menu then add an image element below it to see the space then remove all margin/padding from the nav menu, now the nav menu will be close to the image without any space in between the Loree editor, Now Save to LMS. But, The space between the nav menu and the image element is visible on the canvas. This issue is now resolved, Now the space between the image and nav menu element will be the same as in the Loree editor when padding/margin is removed in the nav menu, the space will not be visible.

Updates on The Table Element

As a Loree user, Now we will be able to add only the following Elements inside a cell of a table.

  • Image

  • Video

  • Text

  • Divider

  • Special element - Icon with Paragraph

  • Embed URL 

We have removed the Edit Image option from the Images that are uploaded using external links. This is because some of the external images can’t be uploaded, therefore restricting this Edit image (cropping image) option for users.
Note: Edit image option will be available for the images that are available for upload or in the course images.

Cropped image Title Validation

Whenever an image is cropped and we give the image the same title as the original image, the title field will throw a message as (Oops! This file name already exists. Update the name to continue)

Based on the title validation, the course designer must update the title name for the newly cropped images.

Check boxes are missing in the admin dashboard chrome browser

As a Loree Admin, When we are using chrome browser and we click on admin dashboard → roles and reatures → any role Checkboxes for each feature list is missing however, the functionality is working good

This issue is now resolved, Now we can see all the checkboxes for each feature on the Roles and features.


Issue while saving Empty Rows and Columns

As a Loree user, When we save a page with an empty row and column it is saved successfully.

and when we reopen it, it creates a nested row with a container and is not responsive.

This issue is now resolved, Now when we save a page with an empty row and column the page will get saved and when we reopen the page we can see the same empty row and column on the page.

Issues with The Design Section

As a Loree user, When we add a row and add columns on the Loree editor → Add any element and open the design section → Now, click on anywhere in Editor outside the editing area → we can still see the design section and when we try to apply any styles from the design it does not perform any action.

This issue is now resolved, Now when we add a row and add columns on the Loree editor → Add any element and open the design section → Now, click on anywhere in Editor outside the editing area → design section is closed automatically.

Thank you!!!

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