Release notes for Loree A2402.1

Release notes for Loree A2402.1

Published on: 11/06/2024

New Features

1. Auto-Save Feature

  1.  To unlock the full potential of this remarkable feature, Admins first need to activate it through the Roles and Features section of the Admin Dashboard in Loree. Simply toggle ON the feature option, as shown in the image below: 

  1. When the Auto-Save icon is clicked, an Accept Terms & Conditions message box will promptly appear. By selecting the Accept & Continue option, administrators confirm their consent to enable the Auto-Save functionality within the Loree Editor. Refer to the image below: 

  1.  This feature provides temporary storage by automatically saving your content or drafts within the local storage of the user's device, specifically the web browser cache.

  1. Please Note:  Auto-Save content is retained for up to 5 days from the initial save per session. Any data older than this timeframe is automatically and irreversibly deleted from the user's web browser cache. It's important to mention that other content stored within the web browser's cache, unrelated to the Auto-Save feature, remains unaffected.

  1.  Auto-Save diligently preserves draft versions of edited content every minute, preventing the risk of content loss during network disruptions.

  2. Once the Auto-Save feature is enabled, and the user opens a page in the editor, the following toast message will appear at the top-right corner of the page that informs whether the page already has a draft version available, as shown below: 


  3. If it is an empty page with no content, than the following message will be displayed on the screen, when the cursor is over the Auto-Save icon:                                                                                                         
  4. By selecting the Auto-Save option located in the footer, users gain access to a preview of previously stored drafts. At the bottom of this preview, users will find the Restore option. Upon clicking it, a Confirm Restore message box will appear with the following prompt: "Are you sure you want to restore the draft content into the editor? This action will clear the current editing page and restore the draft content." To proceed with restoring the draft content, simply click on Confirm. Please refer to the images below:

 2. Full Screen Feature

  1. We're excited to introduce Loree's newest Full-screen feature, now conveniently accessible on both the landing page navigation and within the Loree Editor interface, as shown in the images below:
                                                                               1. On the Landing page : 

                                                                         2. Inside the Editor: 
  2. With just a click on the full-screen icon, users can immerse themselves in a seamless editing experience, whether they're navigating the LMS or working within the editor. Exiting full-screen mode is just as simple with the click of a button, ensuring smooth transitions both within and outside the Loree Editor, as shown in the screenshot below:

Feature Enhancements

1. Toast messages UI enhancement

The Loree Editor now boasts an enhanced UI for toast messages, complete with vibrant color codes that span the entire application including the Landing page, Admin Dashboard and even inside the Editor. Each toast message type is tailored to its content, ensuring clarity and visual distinction. Here's a breakdown of the four major types:

1. SUCCESS: When an action succeeds, rejoice in seeing the success toast message highlighted in refreshing green. For example: 

2. ERROR: In the event of an action failure, the error toast message boldly appears in striking red. For example: 

3. WARNING: Should any warning messages arise, expect them to be presented in a warm, cautionary yellow. For example: 

4. INFORMATION: Stay informed with informational toast messages elegantly displayed in calming blue. For example: 

This thoughtful enhancement ensures that each toast message not only delivers its intended message but also does so with flair, making your experience with the Loree Editor both productive and visually engaging. 

2. Enhancements across the Admin Dashboard 

1. Ability to delete the External Tools configuration: 

  1. Previously, In the Configure section of the Admin Dashboard, the External tools configurations page came only with a EDIT option, there was no DELETE option given that would allow the admin to delete and change the configuratuion of their external tool, as shown in the image below: 

  2. We've enhanced the Configure section of the Admin Dashboard by adding a DELETE button alongside the EDIT option. Now, admins can not only insert and edit valid configurations for their external tools but also have the flexibility to remove saved configurations using the DELETE button. This improvement ensures that admins can easily update or correct their settings as needed.

  3. To safeguard against accidental deletions, a confirmation window will pop up before permanently deleting any configuration, warning the user. Refer to the images below for a visual guide on this new enhancement: 

  4. Beware: Once the saved configuration is set to DELETE, the action cannot be undone.
2. Ability to rename and delete the Loree roles (except Designer and Teacher):
  1. Previously, Admins faced a limitation in the Roles and Features section of the Admin dashboard as they couldn't delete any roles they had created. Once a role was set up, it was there to stay.
  2. During the installation process, two default roles—Designer and Teacher—were automatically created. These roles couldn't be deleted or edited, as they were essential for Loree's configuration and are therefore considered mandatory. Refer to the image below: 

  3. However, we're excited to announce a significant enhancement to this feature. Admins can now delete, edit, or rename any custom roles they create, providing greater flexibility and control. The default Designer and Teacher roles remain unalterable, ensuring essential functions are always preserved. Refer to the image below: 

  4. Upon clicking the Edit option the Custom Role, the following window opens up that allows you to edit and rename the name of your role.  Adding the name of a pre-existing role doesn't work and shows the message-"Role name already exist". Refer to the images below: 

  5. Once you click on the Update option that activates only after a valid role name is entered, you can easily change the name.
  6. Also, upon clicking the DELETE option, the following message pops up as warning, informing that the delete action is permanent and will remove all the role's LMS mapping. If you click on YES, the role gets simply deleted. Refer to the image below: 
  1. Please note: Deleteing a Role, will permanently delete all the role's mapping with LMS. This action is not reversible.
3.  Availability of Reset option for Canvas studio and AI tools configuration:
  1. Previously, In the Configure section of the Admin Dashboard, the Canvas Studio as well as the AI tool configurations page came only with a SAVE option, there was no RESET option given, as shown in the images below: 

  2. We've enhanced the Admin Dashboard by adding a RESET button alongside the Save option. Now, admins can not only insert valid data to save their configuration details, but also have the flexibility to change saved configurations using the RESET button. This improvement ensures that admins can easily update or correct their settings as needed.
  1. Although, before permanently resetting the configuration, a window pops up that warns the following, Refer to the images below: 

    Beware: Once the saved configuration is set to RESET, the action cannot be undone.

3. Extra Canvas Tags Support

  1. Imagine you're flipping through a collection of vibrant cards—each one a gateway to a different piece of content like objects, articles, sections, videos, images, summaries, details, and addresses. Now, picture this: every time you open a canvas page filled with these tags, some of them mysteriously vanish, leaving you with an incomplete experience. Frustrating, right?
  2. Previously, this was the reality for Loree users. As soon as they opened a page, essential elements like summaries and details and much more would disappear because Loree didn't recognize those tags. 
  3.  Worry no more! We've upgraded Loree to support all these tags. Now, when you open a page, everything stays intact. No more disappearing acts. There might be minor differences between what you see in Canvas and Loree, but once you save your work in Loree and reopen it in Canvas, everything aligns perfectly.
  4. This enhancement means your creative vision remains whole, from Canvas to Loree and back again. No more broken tags—just a seamless, cohesive experience that lets your content shine exactly as you designed it. 
    See all the Canvas supported tags in the table below:   

Bug Fixes

   1. <a> Tag Removes Width Style:

  1. Earlier, whenever users tried to set a width for an anchor link to create a button in Loree, the width would frustratingly get removed.
  2. This issue has been fixed. Now, the width users set for an <a> tag in the Loree editor will stick around just as intended. Users can confidently style their anchor links as buttons, and they'll keep their width perfectly.

2.  Adding Custom Element with Loree interactives:

  1. Earlier, when users saved any Loree Interactives as a custom element and tried to add them inside the editor, they appeared as empty elements. We're happy to announce that this issue has been successfully resolved. Now, users can effortlessly add their saved interactives as custom elements into the editor without any problems.

3. Audio Tag Migration Fix:

  1. Previously, when users added audio to a page and saved it to the LMS, an extra iframe would sneak in above the audio when you reopened the page in the editor.
  2. But now, we've taken care of that issue! No more surprise iframes appearing when you revisit your saved pages. Your audio will stay exactly where you placed it, without any extra clutter.

4. Preview Issue on Iframe Height:

  1. Users previously encountered an issue when adding or embedding videos: some videos would appear without a specific iframe height in the preview.
  2. We're happy to report that this issue has been successfully fixed! Now, every video you embed will display with the correct iframe height in the preview. 

5.  Broke AI svg Icon Issue:

  1. Previously, when using the AI Magixc Text Editor, the AI svg Icon would appear to broken when in action. This visual glitch has been successfully fixed now, and the svg icon appears as expected. Refer to the images below: 

6. Bubble Menu Dropdown Accessibility Issue:  

  1. Previously, when users added text to a row or column and opened the bubble menu, the font family dropdown and font size options would inconveniently appear at the top of the list instead of at the bottom. This made it difficult to find and select the desired font options. refer to the image below:

  1. We're happy to announce that this issue has been fixed! Now, all font families and font sizes appear where they should, making them easily accessible to users. Refer to the image below: 

7. Video Element Removing data-media-id and data-media-type:

  1. Recently, Loree users experienced an issue when opening audio or video elements added in Canvas within the Loree environment. This problem arose because Canvas updated the iframe source URL format for embedding media in course pages, while Loree was still using the previous Canvas iframe source url structure:
     instead of the newly updated Canvas iframe url structure having the following attribute: 
  2. The new URL format supports both copy/export page scenarios and the replace audio/video scenario, which were not previously supported by Loree. This was due to the removal of the data-media-type and data-media-id attributes in the Loree editor.

  3. We have now fixed this issue by updating the iframe structure in the Loree editor to match Canvas. This change ensures that the data-media-type and data-media-id attributes are preserved, supporting the new URL format for adding audio and video elements.

8. Element-toggler Class Along with Few Attributes Were Removed in Loree:

  1. Recently, Loree users ran into a frustrating snag: When adding HTML via Canvas LMS, Loree would strip away the element toggler class codes. This meant that sometimes, users add custom classes or ids to their course pages, but when the page is opened in Loree, those custom classes and ids get removed, along with any associated custom files
  2. We have now fixed this issue. From now on, when users open pages with custom classes in Loree, those custom classes will remain available in the Loree editor as well.
  3. Here’s an example of the code before the fix: 
    1. <div id="test video" class="hidden-desktop hidden-phone hidden-tablet no-print">
        <iframe style="top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 100%; height: 700px; max-width: 100%; border: 0px solid black;" src="/media_attachments_iframe/1503057?type=video&amp;embedded=true" width="100%" height="700px" allow="fullscreen *;"></iframe>
  1.  By officially appending Loree to support those tags and classes, we've put an end to this problem once and for all. From now on, users can breathe easy knowing that their HTML elements will remain intact, preserving their designs and styles exactly as intended.

    div and span tags will support all the following HTML attributes inside Loree Editor:

    style, class, id, title, role, lang, dir

    For any custom classes added via Canvas editor will not reflect the exact intended view inside Loree but after saving it to LMS within Canvas it can be seen as expected.

9. Automatic Scrolling of Accordion to Clicked Header:

  1. Previously, users experienced an issue with the accordion interactive, especially with long content areas. When they clicked on a header to open it and then clicked on the next header, the accordion would shift to display the new content, but the page itself wouldn't adjust, requiring users to scroll up manually to read from the start.

  2. This issue has now been resolved. Now, when users click on an accordion header, the page will smoothly scroll up to that header, eliminating the need for manual scrolling and enhancing the overall user experience.


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