When we install Loree on clients instances we create designer and teacher roles as default under Loree role. But due to the pagination issue in the dynamo DB/ query, it is fetching either teacher's role or designer's role. This issue was because those records were created after the 100th record. Now we have updated the next token key and the issue is resolved, now both teacher's role and designer's role are getting fetched.
As a Loree user, When we click on Navbar and validate the design, It does not provide an option to add a border for the Nav element, and also while validating the color picker for the background color picker, we don’t get a clear button option. Now, this issue is resolved. Now we have a clear option in the color spectrum when we click on the Nav menu’s background color in the text option (color, background, and the border color) and in the design section (Border and color).
As a Loree user, When we click on Navbar and validate the design, it doesn’t provide an option to add a border for the Nav element.
Now, the issue is resolved. Now when we click on the Navbar and validate the design we will have an option to add a border for the Nav element.
As a Loree user, When we remove a template/ row/ element from the Global Library it is not getting removed. This issue is resolved, Now when we remove a template/ row/ element from the Global Library it will be removed from there.
As a Loree user, When we open the Loree editor page (help icon with user guide, Loree support, what's new) option is displaying on the left side for a second.
This issue is resolved, Now when we open the Loree editor page we do not get (help icon with user guide, Loree support, what's new) options in the display.
As a Loree user, When we expand the
accordion it creates a bigger space on the bottom side of the Editor on
the LMS page. Now, this issue is resolved and the space under the
accordion is removed there will be a scroll for accordion in the Loree
editor’s preview mode and in LMS it will work with dynamic height.
As a Loree user, When we create a button Interactive in LINT the content is not displaying properly and it is not listed in my interactives. When we try to edit the content we are not able to update the content as the updated option is not working. This issue is resolved, Now we will be able to create and edit the Button interactive and it will be listed in my interactives too.
Thank you!