The method of saving as a template includes these steps:
1. Craft your content, ensuring it is organized and formatted as you prefer.
2. Locate the "Save as Template" feature at the bottom of the Loree Editor, as shown in the image above.
3. Provide your template with a name, select a category of your choice and save your template as 'My' meaning Private or 'Global' for future utilization.
The Loree Editor will allow the user to create a page with the existing templates they have under ‘My Templates’, ‘Global Templates', and 'Share Template’. Users can create a page with the template by clicking on the Modules list addition.
Click on the '+' icon to get the new page from the template feature, as shown below:
Select the ‘New Page from Loree Template’ option and click ‘Next’,
We have a ‘List view’ and ‘Grid view’ by clicking on the highlighted icons shown in the image below:
Select any template and click Next then type the new page name and click 'Add Item', as shown in the image:
The Item will be added to the Modules list of Loree as shown in the screengrab: