The "Getting Started" section provides users with essential content creation options, allowing them to add various elements to their course or project.
This structured menu helps users easily integrate different media types, enhancing the learning experience.
The Text element allows you to add text to your page, and when selected, it provides four formatting options:
When you're adding an image, it's essential to provide a file name and Alt text. We've made it a requirement to ensure accessibility and proper labeling. If you try to leave the Alt text box empty or only add spaces, the "Add image" button will be disabled.You have to either include some text in the Alt text box or select "Decorative Image" to add an image as shown. | |
The Loree editor now includes an intuitive image cropping feature, allowing users to crop images into two shapes: a circle or a square. This feature makes it simple to customise images while designing pages. Here’s how it works:
| |
Images can now be cropped with precision, allowing you to select and adjust the crop area exactly as desired. Cropped
images will maintain their shape and alignment across different devices
and screen sizes, ensuring a polished and professional appearance, as
shown. | |
The above image shows the minimum cropping size of 50*50 for any image. | |
Once the user selects their desired top, center, or bottom part of the
banner, clicking on Apply will add the banner in the editor and provide a
variety of editing options on the side as well; refer to the image: ![]() | |
When we save a page to LMS, it will compare the image file with the name and extension first.
If the name and extension are different in S3 and course files, then the file will be uploaded to the LMS course files.
If the file name and extension are the same in S3 and course files, then the file will be hashed to compare the images.
If the images are different after hashing, then the image file will be uploaded.
If the images are the same after hashing, then the image file will be restricted to upload.
The S3 images on the page while we save to LMS will only be compared with the above steps, and no images will be saved again in the LMS.
Embed Icons in Loree Editor Loree now offers the ability to add icons while creating templates, providing more flexibility and customisation. Here's how the feature works: Where Icons Can Be Used:
How It Works:
| |
Customisation Options:Once an icon is added, you can customise the following properties:
Videos are easily uploaded to the page, and similar to images, Loree allows users to choose from predefined layouts to assist in completing the page. See below for a screenshot of the layout, and options:
Selecting the video will give you four options as detailed below:
Video | |
Paragraph on Video: Use this option to upload a video with Text on it. | |
Video With Paragraph: Use this option to upload a video with Text aligned parallel to it. | |
Video with Heading and Paragraph: Use this option to upload a video with a Heading and Paragraph text parallel to it. |
After selecting an option, a video will be added to your course. You can click on the video to replace it with one of your choice. A pop-up (modal) will appear when you click the replace option on the left side of your screen. This modal allows you to choose from existing course videos, user-uploaded videos, or upload a new video using the "External Links" option you can insert a link to a video (YouTube, Vimeo, or other external links).
After updating the link click next, then give a title to your video and click on Replace to add a Video to your course.
After selecting audio option you will get a popup modal, This modal allows you to choose from existing course audios, user-uploaded audios, or upload a new audio using the "External Links" option. | |
After updating the link click next, then give a title to your audio and click on add too add a audio to your course. |
After selecting Document option you will get a popup modal, This modal allows you to choose from existing course Documents, user-uploaded documents, or upload a new document using the "External Links" option. After entering the title and URL (external link), you’ll need to choose whether the document should open in a new tab or the same tab. Once you’ve made your selection, simply click Add to include the document in your course. |
How to create an Accordion:To create an accordion, follow these steps:
Once the form is open, you'll find the following fields to fill out: Interactive Title: Input a title or name for the interactive accordion. Section Header Title: Enter a title for each section, which can be expanded or collapsed by users. Section Body: Input content to be displayed when the section is expanded. |
Section Header: Users can customise section header appearance by modifying Font Family, Font Style, Font Size, Font Weight, Alignment, Margin (px), Font Color, Background Color. These options provide flexibility to create visually appealing and well-organized section headers that suit the overall design and readability of the content. |
Border: A border outlines and separates content, adding structure and enhancing appearance. You can customise its color and thickness, and choose from different border styles. The border radius allows for rounded edges. |
Icon: Icons represent a dropdown interface with two types: Arrows and Plus/Minus radio buttons. |
How to create Tabs Interactive:To create a Tabs interactive, follow these steps:
Once the form is open, you'll find the following fields to fill out: Interactive Title: Input a title or name for the Tabs interactive. Section Header: Enter a title for each section, which can be expanded or collapsed by users. Section Body: Input content to be displayed when the section is expanded. |
Border: A border outlines and separates content, adding structure and enhancing appearance. You can customise its color and thickness and choose from different border styles. The border radius allows for rounded edges. |
How to create a Button Interactive:To create a Button Interactive, follow these steps:
Once the form is open, you'll find the following fields to fill out: Interactive Title: Input a title or name for the Button interactive. Button Name: Each interactive Button has a clickable name that can expand or collapse to show or hide more content. Button Link: A button link combines the look of a button with the functionality of a hyperlink, allowing navigation to different pages or sections within an app or website. It can open the linked content in a new tab or the same tab, using radio buttons. | |
Customise Options:Customisation options allow users to personalize and adjust fonts, colors, styles, and spacing to suit preferences or brand needs, enhancing appeal and usability. For Button interactives, options include types, alignment, padding, font family, size, color, and background for emphasis and readability. |
How to create MCQ Interactive: To create a MCQ interactive, follow these steps:
Once the form is open, you'll find the following fields to fill out:
Progress Bar:
Question Type: When customising the question type, we support two options: single select and multi select.
These options provide flexibility in designing quizzes, assessments, or surveys, accommodating different types of questions and answer formats as per the user's requirements. |
Body Border: The "Body Border" option in customisation typically refers to the ability to modify the border settings around the main content. Here are some common customisation options for the body border:
Behavioural Setting: Behavioral settings typically refer to functionalities that affect how questions and answers are presented and interacted with. Here are explanations of common behavioral settings:
How to create Click & Reveal Interactive:To create a Click & Reveal Interactive, follow these steps:
Once the form is open, you'll find the following fields to fill out:
Click Content Includes options for Padding (px), Border color, Border (px), Border radius, and Background color. Highlight key information and make a memorable impression with the following customisation options:
Reveal Content Includes options for Padding (px), Border color, Border (px), Border Style, Border radius, and Background color. Highlight key information and make a memorable impression with the following customisation options:
Once the form is open, you'll find the following fields to fill out:
Card Type Customise the appearance of your cards, including their type, number per row, and event interactions, to match your page's aesthetics. Type: Select either Square or Portrait for the card shape. Number of Cards per Row: Choose how many cards to display per row, with options ranging from 1 to 4, to ensure optimal visual organization. Event Options: Configure interactions such as hover effects or click actions to enhance user engagement. |
Card Front Enhance the front of your card to create engaging initial views that capture attention and encourage interaction. Highlight key information and make a memorable impression with the following customisation options: Padding (px): Adjust the space inside the element's border to improve layout and readability using pixel measurements. Border Color: Customise the border color to highlight the content section, using a palette or specific Hex/RGBA codes. Border (px): Specify the border thickness or width, with styles such as Solid, Dashed, Dotted, Double, Groove, and Ridge. Border Radius: Adjust the curvature of the border corners for a softer visual effect. Background Color: Change the background color behind the text to improve readability and emphasize content, selecting from a color palette or Hex/RGBA codes. |
Card Back Enhance the card back in flip cards to provide detailed information or additional content, enriching user interaction and understanding. Customise the card back with the following options: Padding (px): Adjust the space inside the element's border for better layout and readability. Border Color: Use a color palette or specific Hex/RGBA codes to customise the border color and make it stand out. Border (px): Specify the border thickness with styles like Solid, Dashed, Dotted, Double, Groove, and Ridge. Border Radius: Adjust the curvature of the border corners for a softer visual effect. Background Color: Change the background color behind the text to enhance readability and emphasis, using a color palette or Hex/RGBA codes. |
How to create Image/Video Slider:To create an Image/Video Slider, follow these steps:
Once the form is open, you'll find the following field to fill out,
Upload Image: When the user clicks on "Click here to add media" within the section, it will display all the existing uploaded images already inside the Editor platform. If users wish to include their own images in the Image Slider, they must upload them as new files. The "Click to upload a new interactive image/video" option allows users to seamlessly upload and integrate their chosen media into the interactive slider. Users can even use the 'External Image Link' option to add an image URL directly. |
Upload Video: We provide the capability to upload videos from YouTube, Vimeo, or an external link. With these options, you can easily upload the videos you need for the slider. Paste the YouTube URL into the YouTube link input box. Click the "Next" button below. You will be redirected to the specified page where you can provide a title for the video and click the "Add" button at the bottom. |
Icon: Icon customisation includes
Image/Video Background:
How to create Drag and Drop Interactive:To create a Drag and Drop interactive, follow these steps:
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In the Customise menu, you'll find the Drop Zone Layout section, offering two options: custom and fixed. Drop Zone Layout (Custom): To create a custom layout, follow these steps: Add/Edit Drop Zones: To add, edit, or delete drop zones, click on the designated button, fill in the label and options, and position the drop zone on the image. The Edit button allows for modifications, while the Delete button removes unwanted drop zones. Clicking Save will redirect back to the form interface. |
Drop Zone Layout (Fixed): For the Fixed drop zone layout in the form, there is an additional option called "Draggable Text." You can input your draggable text directly into this field. |
Draggable Area:
Drop Zone Area: The drop zone area offers customisation options for background color and opacity, allowing you to tailor its appearance to fit your needs:
Button Customisation: Includes pill, outline, and pill-shaped buttons with options for rounded edges, transparency, and elongated shape with rounded ends. Alignment: Set alignment for section header text (left, center, right). Padding: Measured in pixels, it provides space between content and border for improved layout and readability. Font Family: Option to change font, with consistency across both Loree and Loree Interactive platforms. Font Size: Options ranging from 6 to 72 are available in the dropdown menu. Font Color: Change font color for readability, highlighting, and branding, accessed through a color palette or specific codes. Background Color: Change background color for readability and emphasis, accessed through color palette or specific codes. |
How to create Image Hotspot Interactive:To create an Image Hotspot Interactive, follow these steps:
Once the form is open, you'll find the following fields to fill out:
When the user clicks on Click here to add an image option in a section, it will display all the existing uploaded images already inside the Editor platform. If users want to use their course images in Loree Interactives, they need to upload them as new ones. |
The image below shows the 'Click to upload a new interactive image' option that allows users to upload images of their choice into the interactive. Users can even use the 'External Image Link' option to add an image URL directly. |
After adding an image, users can click on the 'Add/Edit Hotspot' button to open a new window, allowing them to add, edit, or delete hotspots in their desired positions |
Clicking on the 'Add' option opens another window called 'Add Hotspot', requiring users to add a Label and Content to the hotspot using the bubble menu editor. Once the hotspot is added, it can be edited and saved by clicking the Save option. |
Users can preview their work using the PREVIEW option, now located at the top right side of the form section |
Customisation options in the Image Hotspot interactive allow users to personalize fonts, colors, styles, and spacing, enhancing visual appeal and usability tailored to specific preferences or branding needs. Icon: Icon customisation for image hotspots enables users to select or upload icons representing points of interest in an image. These icons can be customised in type, size, color, and background color to integrate seamlessly with the design and improve usability.
After creating an interactive, you can click on the Embed option on the right side of the screen to insert it into the editor. If you need to make changes, click on the Edit option to modify the interactive. Alternatively, you can discard it by clicking on the "X" (Close) icon.
To Embed an existing interactive from My Interactives, Shared Interactives, or Global Interactives, simply click on the Embed
button on the right side of the interactive. This will insert the interactive directly into your editor's page.